J K Temple

J K Temple
Puja Iten No.: AD90
Your Puja Expenses: US$ 100.00

We will perform your Puja as per your wish at specified temple FREE with all required Puja Materials/Samagris and procedures.

Please read the “TERMS & CONDITIONS” page (https://www.etirtha.com/terms-and-conditions/ ) carefully before making any Puja/Hawan/Abhishek requests through e-Tirtha website.

Description of the Pilgrims

The JK Temple is a temple in the Indian city of Kanpur. J.K. Temple, a sanctum of celestial beauty is made up an assortment of even-level roofs, locally known as mandaps. The temples are airy and spacious and have excellent ventilation system. The interiors of the temple are refreshing and blow whiffs of fresh breeze and ensure that the inner sanctums cheerful and sunny.

J.K.Temple is a conglomeration of five highly venerable shrines. The central temple sis consecrated to Lord Radhakrishna while the remaining four distinguished temples enshrine the deities of Shri Laxminarayan, Shri. Ardhanarishwar, Shri Narmadeshwar and Shri Hanuman, the other revered and celebrated idols of the temple.


Puja materials to be used for your Puja

  1. Flower garlands
  2. Coconut
  3. Mouli or Kalawa
  4. Diya
  5. Ghee
  6. Dhoop sticks
  7. Ganga water
  8. Akshat (Rice)
  9. Mauli (Red Cotton Thread)
  10. Abeer

Puja Procedure/ Vidhi – Puja will be performed with normal Puja Vidhi applicable for the temple and God/Goddess.

Hawan procedures – Hawan will be performed as per proper Vidhi only on special request.

Ahuti / Abhishek – On especial request. Please mention it with the request.

Puja Prasad / Puja Photo /Video – We will perform Puja with your Name and Gotra and will send you Puja Photo/Video either by Post or by email. It is also a proof that Puja is performed in your Name.